toys 书摘广场

format_quote 减肥成功的关键在于一开始就抛弃节食的想法,不仅从食物的量着眼,而是从食物的组成、种类和进食的时间等各个方面来考虑,重新制定饮食计划,在保证营养摄入的前提下,以可行的方式实现并保持体重的小幅下降。

format_quote Factfulness is … recognizing when a story talks about a gap, and remembering that this paints a picture of two separate groups, with a gap in between. The reality is often not polarized at all. Usually the majority is right there in the middle, where the gap is supposed to be. To control the gap instinct, look for the majority.

format_quote 真正理解一种思想的最佳方式就是对它提出质疑。

format_quote 你要在当下为良好习惯付出代价;你要在将来为坏习惯付出代价。
