import_contacts 《The Bell Jar》

Cobwebs touched my face with the softness of moths. Wrapping my black coat round me like my own sweet shadow, I
unscrewed the bottle of pills and started taking them swiftly, between gulps of water, one by one by one.
At first nothing happened, but as I approached the bottom of the bottle, red and blue lights began to flash before my eyes. The bottle slid from my fingers and I lay down.
The silence drew off, baring the pebbles and shells and all the tatty wreckage of my life. Then, at the rim of vision, it
gathered itself, and in one sweeping tide, rushed me to sleep.


藍鳥明滅 回应

The reason I hadn't washed my clothes or my hair was because it seemed so silly.
I saw the days of the year stretching ahead like a series of bright, white boxes, and separating one box from another
was sleep, like a black shade. Only for me, the long perspective of shades that set off one box from the next had suddenly
snapped up, and I could see day after day after day glaring ahead of me like a white, broad, infinitely desolate avenue.
It seemed silly to wash one day when I would only have to wash again the next.
It made me tired just to think of it.
I wanted to do everything once and for all and be through with it.


藍鳥明滅 回应
